We answer your health questions

Zedna Life & Health

Healthy living is not just a choice, it is a life-long journey

Our mission

At Zedna Life&Health, we take a holistic approach to health, where we take a holistic and personalised approach to all aspects of life - from nutrition, to exercise, to sleep quality and beauty care, by helping to design and select services and products that support overall health. The encounter and lifestyle advice form the basis for developing a holistic view of health that, in addition to advice, can justify the identification of specific health services, which are then provided by our dedicated health service partners.

Zedna Life & Health's mission is to support the development of the right lifestyle strategy and health, thereby becoming a bridge to health and natural beauty for individuals at home and abroad, as well as for corporate partners and their employees. Our aim is to play a central coordinating role in improving the quality of life, where conditions for physical and mental well-being can be defined and integrated into everyday life. Zedna's services and activities are counselling outside the health service.

Contact us with confidence and let us define together how a healthy lifestyle can become not only a choice, but also a lifestyle. At Zedna Life& Health, we believe that everyone who seeks deserves the chance to enjoy a healthy life, and we are ready to support this learning process step by step and to identify and select together the strategy and the services that support it.

Health coaching

Health coaching means health counselling or health coaching as part of our services. A health coach also supports the achievement and maintenance of optimal health.

During health coaching, the expert helps the individual to make lifestyle changes, manage stress, improve nutrition and develop healthy habits. It is important to note that the health coach is not a health professional, but rather an information, coordination and support person, helping people to find their own path to the desired state of health.




At Zedna Life & Health, our health coaching and consulting service is designed to support individuals in improving their lifestyle.


Optimising healthcare processes is a complex task, and the solutions used in different institutions can vary considerably. We can use our experience and contacts to find the best and fastest way for you.


At Zedna Life & Health, we specialize in offering customized healthcare solutions that meet the unique needs of your business. We work with our trusted provider partners to broker comprehensive healthcare packages, ensuring your company receives the best possible care and value.

the head of our professional team

Beatrix Lenkei

Health coach

Within alternative health therapies in particular, the anti-aging treatments have become a focus of my interest, there are many innovations and opportunities in this area. I always take the time to self-education, information, updating my knowledge, so I attend many conferences on the subject, in Hungary and around the world, including of course probably the biggest one, the A4M Anti-aging conference in Las Vegas. I believe that anti-aging is not only important for maintaining physical attractiveness, but also for the secret to a long, healthy and quality life also.

I am happy to share my knowledge and experience in the private healthcare sector to make anti-aging a lifestyle choice for as many people as possible.

At Zedna Life & Health, we believe that everyone deserves the joy of a healthy life

Our Partners

Contact us and let's determine together how a healthy lifestyle can become not just a choice, but a lifestyle

Book an appointment

Fontos információk foglaláshoz!

Az időpontfoglalás során az alapadatok mellett szükséges a TAJ számot is megadni, az esetleges további orvosi vizsgálatok miatt. Kérjük készítse elő a TAJ kártyáját is.

Tájékoztatjuk, hogy a foglalással egyidőben automatikusan létrejön a felhasználói fiókja is. A foglalás zárólépésénél meg fog jelenni alul egy Ügyfélpanel gomb. Erre kattintva meg tudja adni a saját jelszavát.  A fiókjába bejelentkezve tudja módosítani a foglalás időpontját is.

During health coaching, the expert helps the individual to change their lifestyle, manage stress, nutrition and develop healthy habits. It is important to note that a health coach is not a health professional, but rather an information, coordination and support person, helping people to find their own path to their desired health status.